Sunday Talking Head Thread
The Sunday Talking Head thread is up and ready for the reading for everyone. It is a much more interesting line-up than last week. Thank goodness --
The Sunday Talking Head thread is up and ready for the reading for everyone. It is a much more interesting line-up than last week. Thank goodness -- because last week's line-up was appalling. In any case, a few things to look for this morning:
This Week looks like it will have an interesting discussion regarding veterans' affairs, and I'm quite certain that Sen. Jim Webb is up to the task, but not as certain that former Sen. Bob Dole is capable of not being disgusted with the sheer mendacity fo the Bush Administration on this issue — guess we'll see whether politics and Liddy's career trump care of our nation's wounded soldiers.
Face the Nation promises to be interesting today as well, if the Chuck Schumer who knows exactly what has gone on with political USAttorney warfare shows up (and he ought to having gained his legal spurs in the SDNY), and not the pragmatic "sell out whatever need be sold to advance my public stature" Chuck shows up instead. And Sen. Specter? Here's hoping a whole LOT of questions get asked about that sneaky Patriot Act backdoor provision that even Gonzales has had to bck away from this week.
And look — in a shocking move, Faux News has former Sen. Fred Thompson, Libby fundraising trust pardon errand boy of the day. The answer is no, Fred. N…O…NO. The rule of law applies to everyone, including Presidential cronies, and it is well past time that the friends of Dick Cheney were reminded of that fact.
And, for those of you in need of a laugh, Bob Geiger's weekly funnies were quite good this week.