Mike's Blog Round Up
MoJo Blog: Nancy Pelosi was booed at the recent American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Policy Conference when she suggested that the war in
MoJo Blog: Nancy Pelosi was booed at the recent American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Policy Conference when she suggested that the war in Iraq was a failure. To whom and what are these groups loyal?
MyDD: A list of the Blue Dogs who helped sabotage the no attack on Iran clause in the bill Nancy Pelosi has been trying to craft....it's extremely disappointing considering the thousands of dollars raised by netroots activism to support some of these people.
TPMmuckraker: They're even incompetent liars! Take a look at the shitstorm fired US Attorney Carol Lam kicked up in California..Gonzo's sins are legion and the whole sordid story has a very important subtext...Jeralyn explains how U.S. Attorneys get appointed...
Orcinus: To supplement his recent series on eliminationism, David Neiwert has compiled a selection of eliminationist rhetoric documented at this site since 2003.
at-Largely: The "extraordinary renditions" continue...
Blue Gal: Discovers new sleep aid: Visiting presidential candidate's websites