Edwards Campaign Headquarters Evacuated

Yesterday Senator Edwards' campaign headquarters was evacuated after a staffer opened an envelope that contained suspicious white powder. ABC 13:

Yesterday Senator Edwards' campaign headquarters was evacuated after a staffer opened an envelope that contained suspicious white powder.

ABC 13:

Authorities are testing a white powder found in a letter at the campaign headquarters of Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards.

The offices in Chapel Hill were evacuated today after a staff member opened the letter and found the powder.

Chapel Hill police spokewoman Jane Cousins says the woman who opened the envelope has been interviewed by health officials and hasn't shown any problems.

Campaign employees are working from home until investigators reopen the headquarters.

I'd be remiss if I didn't mention that back in November a California man named Chad Castagana (who also happened to blog at FreeRepublic) was nabbed by authorities for sending white-powder envelopes to prominent Democratic politicians and media personalities. I wonder if the NYPost will joke about this one too.

Since only simplistic and immature bloggers draw parallels between the actions of isolated individuals and entire political movements, I won't pass judgement.

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