White House Backs Away From Miers Scapegoating

Surprise Surprise. When this scandal first broke earlier this week, the White House tried to dismiss it away as a simple mismanagement mistake and lai

Surprise Surprise. When this scandal first broke earlier this week, the White House tried to dismiss it away as a simple mismanagement mistake and laid blame on former White House counsel Harriet Miers. Now that they has been caught lying red-handed about where the original plan to purge the attorneys came from, they're quickly backing away from the claim that it was all Miers' fault. How can anyone believe a word they say anymore? Let alone defend them? I wonder where the next set of lies will lead us.


The White House backed away today from its earlier assertions that the former White House counsel, Harriet E. Miers, was alone in hatching the idea to fire United States attorneys early in 2005.

“It has been described as her idea but ... I don’t want to try to vouch for origination,” Mr. Snow said, according to The Associated Press. “At this juncture, people have hazy memories.”

The White House had said earlier this week that Ms. Miers, who succeeded Mr. Gonzales as White House counsel, initiated the idea in early 2005 of replacing all the prosecutors.

Mr. Snow said again Thursday that Ms. Miers had first proposed the dismissals, but Mr. Snow acknowledged in an interview that the e-mail shifted the time line earlier than the White House had previously said. Read More...

There you have it; the entire White House is now shifting timelines and claiming the Libby defense. I've got my TiVo set already, Karl. Me and Jack are waiting for your showdown with Leahy.

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