US Suggest Reducing Abramoff's Sentence

Guardian: Federal prosecutors took the first steps toward reducing the prison sentence of former Washington lobbyist Jack Abramoff, currently schedul


Federal prosecutors took the first steps toward reducing the prison sentence of former Washington lobbyist Jack Abramoff, currently scheduled for release in 2011 for a Florida fraud conviction.

Documents filed in federal court say Abramoff has provided ``substantial assistance'' in a separate Washington corruption scandal investigation and continues to work with investigators from his prison cell in Cumberland, Md.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Paul F. Schwartz did not recommend how much Abramoff's sentence should be cut.

Given what's come out about the US Attorney purge in the last few weeks, this should raise a few alarms. Shall we wait to see if any indictments/convictions result from Abramoff's "substantial assistance"?

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