Kool Aid Alert! O'Reilly Unhinged

On Wednesday's Radio Factor, Bill O'Reilly lost his mind when co-host and fellow FOX Newser Lis Wiehl accurately cited Fred Fielding's le

On Wednesday's Radio Factor, Bill O'Reilly lost his mind when co-host and fellow FOX Newser Lis Wiehl accurately cited Fred Fielding's letter (.pdf) to the Senate Judiciary Committee concerning the Karl Rove and Harriet Miers "reasonable proposal". The best part comes when Bill cuts her mic and accuses her of "misle[ading] my audience, who comes here for the truth," only to then go on and mislead his own audience.


Lowlights courtesy of MediaMatters:

O'REILLY: Stop talking. It's not about you, and you're misleading the audience. Stop talking. [...]

Cut her mike. Cut her mike. She's not allowed to speak for three minutes. That's all right. [...]

It's not -- as I said, open transcript means it gets to The New York Times. There is a transcript to the senators who, if they lie, can charge them with crimes. You know it, and you misled my audience, who comes here for the truth. What can we do to her? What can we do to her?

It appears Bill got the idea of an "open" transcript from something Wiehl said. Too bad he's flat wrong. Let's see what Snowjob has to say about the issue of transcripts:

Q: Tony, does the offer include note-taking for members of the committee? If not a formal transcript, can they take notes?

TONY SNOW: Yes. Yes....[F]rankly, when it comes to a fact answer, people there are going to be able to get it right, just as I think you get it right when you take notes based on a conversation with me for your reporting, without a transcript.

Think about if for a second: Any loyal FOX viewer that watches Hannity & Colmes and listens to O'Reilly now (falsely) believes that the White House offer includes testimony under oath with a transcript. No wonder their veiwers were the most serially misinformed during the lead up to the Iraq War.

(h/t Logan Murphy for the Snow quotes)

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