Mike's Blog Round Up
War and Piece: James Moore, the author of a book on Karl Rove, writes about Turdblossom's possible testimony to Congress on the U.S. Attorneys mat
War and Piece: James Moore, the author of a book on Karl Rove, writes about Turdblossom's possible testimony to Congress on the U.S. Attorneys matter, and his past artful dissembling under oath. The WaPo's Krauthammer argues that these people are so incompetent that they can't tell the truth without lying.
FindLaw's Writ: John Dean on why Bush refuses to allow Rove and Harriet Miers to testify before congress and what role new WH counsel, Fred Fielding may play
African American Political Pundit: Republicans to Black Folks: We don't need your vote...
The Next Hurrah: Former Deputy Interior Secretary J. Steven Griles pleaded guilty Friday to obstruction of justice in a Senate committee's investigation, becoming the highest-ranking Bush administration official convicted in the Jack Abramoff corruption scandal. But he sure made a sweet plea deal.
the defeatists! Defining "political theater
Hooah Wife and friends: A blog featuring soldier's wives. Sis B, weighs in with a post on the "if you disagree with the president, you don't suport the troops" canard.