Sean Hannity Leads The Wrong Witness

On Hannity & Colmes, Colonel David Hunt shot down Sean Hannity's Republican talking points about the House Iraq war spending bill. If you lis

On Hannity & Colmes, Colonel David Hunt shot down Sean Hannity's Republican talking points about the House Iraq war spending bill. If you listen closely, you can hear Rep. Andrews (D-NJ) tell Sean he picked the wrong witness to lead.

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Hannity: Won't this guarantee defeat?!

Hunt: No.

Hannity: Won't this embolden the enemy?!

Hunt: No.

Hannity: You're willing to let America lose this war?

Hunt: Of course not. We want them to win. I'm telling you the facts.

This isn't the first time Hunt surprised Hannity.

If the outgoing Republican majority didn't punt nine spending bills last year, the Democrats wouldn't have needed to attach the additional spending for things like child health care and Katrina relief. The peanut storage and spinach subsidies are a bit much, though. It's pretty funny to see Sean so outraged considering the Republican majority earmarked $70 billion in pork in 2005 alone.

Greenwald tears apart the "liberal Washington Post" op-ed Hannity cited. Fred Hiatt is more a war-cheering, neocon-promoting hawk than a liberal, if you ask me.

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