Mike's Blog Roundup
The Existentialist Cowboy: BBC debates on Iraq: Speaking truth to power which no longer speaks the truth Faithful Progressive: On Edwards, cancer, so
The Existentialist Cowboy: BBC debates on Iraq: Speaking truth to power which no longer speaks the truth
Faithful Progressive: On Edwards, cancer, souless Katie Couric, and the will to live and believe
Your Right Hand Thief: Suggests having a presidential debate in New Orleans. A few updates on N.O.L.A and the Gulf Coast...
Words of Power: DoJ Purge Update
Simply Left Behind: We didn't go to war with the army we had, or wished we had. We went to war with the army we could get on the cheap, and some of the survivors are coming home to lost jobs, debt and bankruptcy
The Poor Man Institute: Keyboard Kommando Komics Kontinues…
OFF THE BEATEN PATH: POLITARY...Sorry About Our President..."and i quote blog"...Underneath Politics…