‘It’s Open Warfare Over There’

About two weeks ago, we started hearing about the panic and paralysis that had taken over the Justice Department in the wake of the prosecutor purge s

About two weeks ago, we started hearing about the panic and paralysis that had taken over the Justice Department in the wake of the prosecutor purge scandal. “You have no idea,” said one Justice official, “how bad it is here.”

How’s the nation’s federal law-enforcement agency doing now? Apparently, it’s getting worse — the New York Daily News reports that “Gonzales’ closest advisers [have] turned on one another.”

“It’s unreal - it’s open warfare over there,” a former Justice official with close ties to Gonzales’ team told the Daily News.

Gonzales blames Sampson, McNulty blames Goodling, the White House blames McNulty, Republicans on the Hill blame Gonzales, and no one on the right has figured out a way to blame Dems, the media, or MoveOn.org. It’s a wild west, every-man-for-himself environment … and these guys are yet to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Someone practically invented popcorn for a situation like this.

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