Mike's Blog Roundup
Talking Points Memo: Evidence linking the White House directly to the Duke Cunningham scandal. No wonder U.S. Attorney Carol Lam was fired The Left C
Talking Points Memo: Evidence linking the White House directly to the Duke Cunningham scandal. No wonder U.S. Attorney Carol Lam was fired
The Left Coaster: The White House’s use of nongovernmental email accounts and servers to mask their political activities done on government time is about to blow up in their faces.
Military.com: "Five Years of Broken" by Joe Galloway. General H. Norman Schwarzkopf has called Galloway, "the finest combat correspondent of our generation -- a soldier's reporter and a soldier's friend."
Seeing the Forest: All it takes to get a high-level job with the Bush Crime Family is knowing other GOPranos..the degree from Pat Robertson University is a bonus
The Orstrahyun: An Australian view of the 'trial' of David Hicks, the first 'terror' suspect to face what passes for justice at the Guantanamo military tribunal
Opinions You Should Have: Justice aide to invoke the 5th, 6th, and 7th Amendments to avoid testifying
Finally, take a look at the party of 'family values'