FOX News Can't Get Over Sandy Berger

Just when you thought it wasn't possible, FOX Noise sinks even lower. This "special" on Sandy Berger is hysterically being billed as &q

Just when you thought it wasn't possible, FOX Noise sinks even lower. This "special" on Sandy Berger is hysterically being billed as "FOX News blows this explosive case wide open." Even the super-conservative Wall Street Journal says "some people won't let a bad conspiracy theory go."

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Apparently the exhaustive investigation conducted by the public integrity section of the Bush Justice Department -- which said that Berger only removed classified copies of data stored on hard drives stored in the National Archives, and that no original material was destroyed -- isn't enough for the smear merchants at FOX who just won't let it go.

For the record, I'm not excusing Berger's actions; stuffing secret documents in your pants is obviosuly a stupid (and illegal) thing to do. The point is that this case has been investigated over and over again -- and Berger has pled guilty -- but the wingnuts just won't let it go. The cute "Sandy Burglar" nickname and visual of him stuffing documents in his pants has provided people like Limbaugh, Hannity and Gibson great material for over three years now. Limbaugh even called the incident "far worse" than Abu Ghraib. Get over it already.

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