The Judy Factor

As a presidential contender, it's one thing to have to live down some strange stunt that necessitated getting in drag and being molested by Donal

As a presidential contender, it's one thing to have to live down some strange stunt that necessitated getting in drag and being molested by Donald Trump. Or to appeal to the "family-values" crowd despite very public and messy divorces and affairs. Or to play down the fact that your BFF has mob ties that you were either indifferent to or too incompetent to look into.

But it's entirely another thing when your wife become a major liability to you as well. Especially considering how much Republican Party appears to respect women. It can't help when Judy Nathan Giuliani's first (super-secret) husband (SIX marriages between them!) is uncovered, or when whispers about of her being a determined social climber whose very presence has alienated Rudy from his children, or when in an interview with Barbara Walters, Rudy says that he would expect Judy to attend some Cabinet meetings. (shades of Hillary Clinton--quelle horreur!)

But today, the NY Post has come out with yet another story that makes Judy Giuliani look positively...well, Frist-ian.

Judith Giuliani once demonstrated surgical products for a controversial medical-supply company that used dogs - which were later killed - in operations whose only purpose was to sell equipment to doctors, The Post has learned.

"It was a horribly cruel, outrageous program," Friends of Animals President Priscilla Feral said about the demonstrations of medical staplers on dogs conducted by U.S. Surgical Corp. employees during Giuliani's tenure there in the late 1970s.

Feral said U.S. Surgical's demonstrations on hundreds of dogs each year through the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s were done to boost sales, not for medical research or testing.

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