The Art (?) Of Denying Evolution

AlterNet has a truly mind-blowing video of Rev. Chuck Missler disproving evolution using a jar of peanut butter. Lunchtime will never be the same agai

AlterNet has a truly mind-blowing video of Rev. Chuck Missler disproving evolution using a jar of peanut butter. Lunchtime will never be the same again.

And Slacktivist finds that the need to dismiss Al Gore and global warming makes it more difficult to remember the creationist belief in a 6,000 year old planet:

Here's a little nugget from Tony Perkins, head of the Family Research Council, mocking Al Gore and climate change:

During the session, Gore's "Chicken Little" scenarios were met with skepticism, particularly from Senate Republicans like Jim Inhofe, R-Okla., who said he, like many scientists, believed the dire global warming projections were a "hoax." On the House side, the former vice president was called a prophet by some Democratic members but his revelations were challenged by others. Rep. Joe Barton, R-Texas, cited 600,000-year-old scientific evidence that Gore's carbon dioxide claims are false. When Gore introduced ...

Wait. Back up a moment. What was that last bit from Rep. Joe Barton?

Rep. Joe Barton, R-Texas, cited 600,000-year-old scientific evidence ...

600,000 years?

B-b-b-but the Family Research Council doesn't believe that the earth is 600,000 years old! How can Barton have "scientific evidence" that's 594,000 years older than the universe itself?

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