60 Minutes: Inside McCain's "Safe" Stroll Through Baghdad
Senator McCain sat down with 60 Minutes' Scott Pelley tonight to talk about his recent trip to Baghdad. There, he was surrounded by an army of pr
John McCain 3/27/07: "General Petraeus goes out there almost every day in an unarmed Humvee."
John McCain 4/8/07: “There is no unarmored humvees. Obviously, that’s the case.”
Towards the end, McCain also talks about the South Carolina primary smear perpetrated not perpetrated by Karl Rove & the Bush campaign, and his recent waffling on the confederate flag that he chalked up to "ambition." It's nice to see the "straight talk" again, Senator.
In two interviews before the Army took McCain and 60 Minutes on the heavily guarded visit to the al-Shorja market last Sunday, the senator said security had improved in Iraq. Upon his return, he also told a news conference he had just come back from a neighborhood one could walk around in freely.
The remarks made headlines and he now regrets saying them. "Of course I am going to misspeak and I've done it on numerous occasions and I probably will do it in the future," says McCain. "I regret that when I divert attention to something I said from my message, but you know, that's just life," he tells Pelley, adding, "I'm happy, frankly, with the way I operate, otherwise it would be a lot less fun." Read more...