
ABC: The powerful Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr ordered his militiamen on Sunday to redouble their battle to oust American forces and argued that Ira


The powerful Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr ordered his militiamen on Sunday to redouble their battle to oust American forces and argued that Iraq's army and police should join him in defeating "your archenemy." The U.S. military announced the weekend deaths of 10 American soldiers, including six killed on Sunday.

Security remained so tenuous in the capital on the eve of the fourth anniversary of the U.S. capture of Baghdad that Iraq's military declared a 24-hour ban on all vehicles in the capital from 5 a.m. Monday. The government quickly reinstated Monday as a holiday, just a day after it had decreed that April 9 no longer would be a day off.

Among the 10 U.S. deaths announced Sunday were three soldiers killed by a roadside bomb while patrolling south of Baghdad; one killed in an attack south of the capital; and two who died of combat wounds sustained north of the capital, in Diyala and Salahuddin provinces. On Saturday, the military said, four U.S. soldiers were killed in an explosion near their vehicle in Diyala.

Last week marked the internationally recognized Orphans' Day.

Gorilla Guides:

The acts of violence that swept Iraq after the U.S.-led invasion in 2003 have left scores of Iraqi orphans, but the same number of orphanages.[..]

The political situation, Karim asserted, is the main cause of this aggravating problem.

"We fear that these children will start to hate society and will join armed groups and form gangs as soon as they are old enough to do so," the grocer said.[..]

On Orphan's Day and while the children gathered in the yard to observe the occasion, an orphan refused to go outdoors fearing that there were dead people buried in the garden like what happened to his family. Another child does not use red in his painting because it reminds him of the blood of his father, mother and brother who were killed by the U.S. forces by mistake. He was offered an apology in response.

The child said, "I wish that the war would end soon so that no more children will suffer like us

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