Laura Ingraham Cuts And Runs On Hannity & Colmes
Last night on "Hannity & Colmes," Laura Ingraham got so fed up with ridiculous bickering back and forth about the Don Imus controversy
News Hounds: Ingraham tried to break in to say something but could not get a word in. “This is why I do radio,” she said. “I can’t deal with this. This is a nightmare.” Hannity broke in to end the discussion, even though Colmes had received little more than a minute of air time while Hannity had used more than three. With great relish, Hannity said, “When we come back, I’ve got a tape of outrageous things Democrats have said.”
Terrell threw his hands up. “Here we go again.”
“And we’ll get Laura Ingraham’s take on it when we come back,” Hannity continued.
“No, I’m not speaking. I’m boycotting you,” Ingraham said. “I’m out.”
Remember Ann Coulter bailed on an H&C segment last year after DINO Powers put her in her place. Both segments, however unbearable to watch as they may be, illustrate perfectly how FOX frames an issue to suit their ideological agenda. News Hounds has it all.