John Oliver Jokes Around With Israeli Ambassador Gillerman
In the first installment of "Oliver's Travels," Daily Show Senior Israeli Correspondent John Oliver offers a brief history of the state
Oliver: Nuclear weapons. Would Israel ever consider using its nuclear weapons on Iran?
Gillerman: Israel has never said that it has nuclear weapons.
Oliver: So, it's a tricky area then... So let's say that hypothetically: I've got a friend. He's an ambassador to a country called Fisrael, and he's having a bit of trouble with an enemy in Irun. Should he use his nuclear weapons against Irun?
Gillerman: Israel has never said that it has nuclear weapons...
Oliver: No, no, Fis-, Fisrael, Fis-, Fisrael... Does Fisrael have nuclear weapons...?
Gillerman: Well I think you'll have to ask the Fisraeli ambassador.