Sunday Talking Head Thread

(Photo of a great looking cuppa coffee via YTaP.) The Sunday Talking Heads are up and ready for the reading here. It's quite the eclectic mix t

(Photo of a great looking cuppa coffee via YTaP.)

The Sunday Talking Heads are up and ready for the reading here. It's quite the eclectic mix this morning, and it includes both Dick Cheney and Richard Perle, so be forewarned that it is an excuse-riddled neocon extravaganza in some parts.

Let's see. Dick Cheney is likely to say that if you don't agree with him, "then you are a terrorist supporting commie." Oh, and anything wrong that Dick has ever done or said is somehow Nancy Pelosi's fault. Is that about right? Jon Kyl? "The Bush Administration would never, ever try to skirt the law and…darn it, where did I put that cue card that Karl prepared for me?" Ditto for Lindsey Graham. Richard Perle? "Iran….scary." Does that about cover the neocon and apologia contingent?

What looks interesting? Marian Wright Edelman of the Children's Defense Fund, who will likely be talking about their Elect Susie campaign regarding the 9 million (and counting) uninsured children in America. It's a wonderful campaign, well worth some effort and discussion, and I'm very glad that Marian is getting some air time for it this morning on CNN.

What is catching your eye in the news or on the blogs this morning?

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