Charlie Savage Wins Pulitzer

No, not Michael Weiner Savage's lesser known brother. Charlie Savage is the Boston Globe journalist that broke the story on presidential signing s

No, not Michael Weiner Savage's lesser known brother. Charlie Savage is the Boston Globe journalist that broke the story on presidential signing statements.

Glenn Greenwald has a nice write up of the significance of Savage's reporting: (watch a short ad for site pass)

...as I've noted many times, Savage was one of the very few journalists in the country who understood, investigated and reported on the radical theories of executive power embraced by this President. And once he began reporting on those abuses, he was relentless in his efforts to draw public attention to the administration's conduct.

On March 24, 2006, Savage published an article -- entitled "Bush Shuns Patriot Act Requirement" -- which was the first article to report on Bush's issuance of a signing statement in connection with Congress' renewal of the Patriot Act. It was in that signing statement where the President expressly proclaimed the power to ignore legal requirements imposed by Congress requiring the FBI to report on its use of National Security Letters -- the very provisions which, it was revealed just last month, the FBI has been systematically ignoring as it spies on American citizens. As Savage wrote in that article: "The statement represented the latest in a string of high-profile instances in which Bush has cited his constitutional authority to bypass a law."

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