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AttyTood: There's sometimes a thin line between the debate that usually should be held -- with at least a small amount of distance -- after a pub
There's sometimes a thin line between the debate that usually should be held -- with at least a small amount of distance -- after a public tragedy like the Virginia Tech massacre, and raw, ugly politicization.
But this could be the worst politicizing ever:
President Bush's staff has talked to Virginia Tech officials about the possibility of Bush visiting campus this week, Tech spokesman Larry Hincker said at a press conference this evening.
There's nothing like a senseless bloodbath to build back that low approval rating, is there?
Swopa has more:
Bush is expected to give brief comments - roughly 5 minutes - at the campus gathering. Boy, that's a long way to go for a five-minute speech, isn't it?
Oh, but wait... I forgot the more important part:
Bush plans to give three television interviews on campus before returning to the White House, Perino said.
Take a gander at Debbie Schlussel to get an idea of truly disgusting politicization of this tragic event. On the "huge assumptions made to further getting her Muslim hate on" spectrum, Schlussel (here's the link, but remember, you'd be giving her hits she doesn't deserve plus you're probably going to want to take a shower afterward), decides--absent any reporting that would indicate as such--that the shooter HAD to be a "Paki." When commenters tell her that's an offensive slur, Debbie doesn't take it so well. Neither does the news that it's a Chinese student on a legal visa (note: later reporting identified him as S.Korean Cho Seung-Hui, who has lived in the US since 1992). Because you know, we shouldn't take in so many foreign students AND the students should be able to carry guns on campus to protect themselves. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you conservative thinking at its finest.