Secret Hold Placed On Senate Electronic Filing Bill

The Sunlight Foundation: Today Russ Feingold and Dianne Feinstein brought S.223, the Senate electronic disclosure bill, to the floor for a unanimous

The Sunlight Foundation:

Today Russ Feingold and Dianne Feinstein brought S.223, the Senate electronic disclosure bill, to the floor for a unanimous consent vote. When they asked if there was any objection, Sen. Lamar Alexander, filling in for the minority leadership, announced that he had an objection, indicating that some Senator in the Republican caucus has placed a secret hold on the disclosure bill. This is twice in two years that a Senator has placed a secret hold on legislation providing for more disclosure to the public.

Update: Here's Feingold's statement.

Would it be wrong of me to guess that Sen. Stevens is once again the secret hold placer, due to his fear of disclosure on the internet tubes?

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