The McCain Market Watch

John McCain's stock has gone up slightly in the past week, mostly in that Rudy Giuliani had probably the worst week (really two) of his campaign.

John McCain's stock has gone up slightly in the past week, mostly in that Rudy Giuliani had probably the worst week (really two) of his campaign. From stories about gas and milk prices being as foreign to him as the difference between Sunni and Shiite, to his lack of a basic understanding of our healthcare system, the Rudester got smacked around a bit (not by me of course).

All in all, maybe only mobster Bernard Kerik had a worse week--that whole probably going to jail thing. Although, he is still Rudy's BFF and choice to be our fist line of protection against terrorists, so at least he can take solace in that.

In this analyst's opinion, therefore, McCain has improved his position, and the proof is in a new poll showing he's now back within six points in a hypothetical matchup with Brother Giuliani. He has also just gone all "South Carolina in 2000" on his opponents (he hired those Bushies who called his daughter a black love child for a reason!), which should help somewhat with conservatives. Additionally, Romney's run-in with varmints (where was he when McCain needed him for protection in the Sorja Market in Baghdad?) also aided McCain. We'll just have to see what that dreamy Fred Thompson chooses to do now (although, lessons in basic economics and history wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing).

But McCain still finds creative ways to metaphorically hug the President and Iraq every day, so his stock may not stay in its slightly elevated level for long. For McCain, mind you, still does his darndest to limit any advantage gained by reminding the American people that he knows more about Iraq than their lying and obviously mentally challenged eyes. And as Barack Obama seems to be appealing to the very same Independents that once were McCainiacs...well, he had better start raising more money. Like soon.

Final Analysis (reminder: I am no stock-market expert, like these gents): McCain +1 1/2 for the week to 72 (this of course has nothing to do with the age he will be if elected president--it is only a coincidence, like Karl Rove's emails pulling a David Copperfield on us).

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