Mike's Blog Roundup

The Blue State: Live blogging the Gonzales hearing... The Osterley Times: If the reason for restricting our rights is to protect us, then surely gover

The Blue State: Live blogging the Gonzales hearing...

The Osterley Times: If the reason for restricting our rights is to protect us, then surely governments would restrict our rights in the places most likely to reduce deaths amongst the population. Don't (just) mourn, do something!

News Hounds: Is Hannity chickening out on debating Rocky Anderson?

Brad DeLong: The sad, strange little man who the McCain campaign financing chief and Republican fixer, Fred Malek

The Daily Background: The 15 most embarrassing photos of G-Dub

HOLY CRAP: God and/or Bible is not an excuse...National Day of Prayer?  How about a National Day of Reason?...Uh oh, the Pope is against our Holy War...$1 billion spent on BUSHCO abstinence programs that don't work...James Madison on faith-based initiatives...Theocrat of the Week...What about The Beatitudes?...Uh oh, it's the Carnival of the Godless!...When religion is an addiction...Are their fundies are crazier than ours?...Atheists demonized...Anointing Oil, Blessed Salt, and other items to protect your home from Spiritual Darkness...Get these and much more in this handy canvas tote of Sacramentals!

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