The McCain Market Watch
John McCain, also known as Don Imus' BFFFF (and ever and ever!), is having another one of those days that is leading investors to sell, sell sell
First there was that little ditty about dumping live ordinance on Iran. Good move! That will help ease fears that you're a bit off your rocker and have too much thirst for the red stuff. But perhaps as offensively, McCain also has take the occasion, two days after the massacre at Virginia Tech, to remind us all he opposes gun control. Phew, now I feel better. Here is the madman, in his own very sensitively timed words (h/t Oliver Willis):
Republican presidential candidate John McCain declared Wednesday he believes in "no gun control," making the strongest affirmation of support for gun rights in the GOP field since the Virginia Tech massacre.
The Arizona senator said in Summerville, S.C., that the country needs better ways to identify dangerous people like the gunman who killed 32 people and himself in the Blacksburg, Va., rampage. But he opposed weakening gun rights and, when asked whether ammunition clips sold to the public should be limited in size, said, "I don't think that's necessary at all."
Which would be funny if it were not so sick to make this statement RIGHT NOW. I mean funny, only because while on one side gun control supporters--or smart people--have responded to this tragedy by reaffirming their belief that reasonable restrictions might help prevent tragedies like this. Meanwhile, opponents of any limits on gun ownership--or somewhat dumber people--have argued that more guns is the answer. Because, you know, that's worked so well in Afghanistan and Somalia. But still, McCain's response has taken the cake.
He is the only person, so far that I know of, who has used this incident to once again flip-flop on a previous position. Again from the AP article:
McCain has opposed many gun controls in the Senate over the years but broke from most of his party — and his past — in supporting legislation to require background checks for buyers at gun shows. In one such vote, he relished taking a position at odds with the National Rifle Association.
I know, for example, had Iraqis just been offered AK-47s in the Sorja Market, during your "casual stroll" you'd be all for that, right Senator? Because controlling guns is anti-American! And we do want to bring American-style democracy to Iraq, don't we? Even if the rest of the world is saying, hell no!
End Result, McCain down 2 1/2 points to 69 1/2.
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