US Attorneys Not Alone...

...of feeling intense (and inappropriate) politicization of their Department of Justice jobs. The Gavel: Today the House and Senate Judiciary Commit

...of feeling intense (and inappropriate) politicization of their Department of Justice jobs.

The Gavel:

Today the House and Senate Judiciary Committees received a letter from anonymous Justice Department employees concerning widespread politicization at the Justice Department. Read the full letter here (pdf). [..]

The letter then goes on to describe confusion and consternation within the divisions, and ultimately a meeting that was demanded by staff, in which Michael Ellston, Chief of Staff to Deputy Attorney General Paul McNulty, "was offensive to the point of insulting" in addressing the concerns. (Deputy Attorney General Paul McNulty has also testified regarding the firings of the US Attorneys.) Ellston attributed the removals from the interviewee lists to "spelling errors" and other such technical problems. The letter continues from there:

When division personnel staff later compared the remaining interviewees with the candidates struck form the list, one common denominator appeared repeatedly: most of those struck form the list had interned for a Hill Democrat, clerked for a Democratic judge, worked for a "liberal" cause, or otherwise appeared to have "liberal" leanings. Summa cum laude graduates of both Yale and Harvard were rejected for interviews.
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