Mike's Blog Roundup
Obsidian Wings: These people are lower than dirt. A deeply disturbed killer's actions are the fault of a "PC university"! This is on
Obsidian Wings: These people are lower than dirt. A deeply disturbed killer's actions are the fault of a "PC university"! This is on par with the despicable Newt Gingrich blaming “Liberalism” for the massacre and the usual 'blame Hollywood' horse exhaust. Apparently, the liberal jackboot failed to destroy Cho's sister or his Christian parents. Sadly, No! discovers more people who should not be paid to express their opinions. Understandably, the Virginia Tech Student Government has asked our peerless press corps to leave the campus.
PERRspectives Blog: GOP quotes of the week
The Mahablog: Is Gov. Haley Barbour one of the most craven hypocrites on the planet? Or is he just oblivious to the suffering he is causing?
skippy the bush kangaroo reads Ezra regularly and normally finds him thoughtful and informative, but...
Jon Swift: Alec Baldwin's daughter is a disgrace
The Sardonic Sideshow: I report, you decide...