Mike's Blog Roundup

Crooked Timber: Welcome to Fantasy Ireland...and Fantasy Iraq When crooks collide.  Imagine if we had real Justice Department, and real justice Norbi

Crooked Timber: Welcome to Fantasy Ireland...and Fantasy Iraq

When crooks collide.  Imagine if we had real Justice Department, and real justice

Norbizness: A patented "Ax Da President" remix

MediaBloodhound: In another blow to President Bush’s image as Commander-in-Chief, comedian/impressionist Rich Little was sent into the White House Correspondents’ Association dinner without sufficient protective humor.

The Satirical Political Report: The NRA and Right-to Life organizations propose arming all fetuses

HOLY CRAP: Jesus wants to us exploit this tragedy...Dinesh D'Souza has responded to the Virginia Tech shootings by picking a fight with atheists...and yet another creationist has pinned the blame for the VT murders on Charles Darwin...It just wouldn't be "Holy Crap" without mentioning Islam's connection to the slayings...More on how Evangelicals infiltrated the American Military...The Institute on Religion and Democracy sends an anti-Muslim book to 100,000 pastors and seminaries...The Corporation For Public Broadcasting joins in the Muslim bashing...Still lying about separation of church/state...Vatican panel concludes that unbaptized babies may go to heaven after all...The debate over creation and evolution is going global...An interview with Satan!...New chapter in Mick Lasalle's, The Event...Faith of the Abomination is an independent documentary film about the experiences of a lesbian couple who went undercover as a heterosexual couple inside an Evangelical Organization...Say hello to the Theocrat of the Week...

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