Tom Delay's "Treasonous" Rant Against Harry Is Just Plain Crazy

This giggle-fest from Tuesday's "Tucker" was priceless. Guests Pat Buchanan and A.B. Stoddard simply couldn't contain their laught


This giggle-fest from Tuesday's "Tucker" was priceless. Guests Pat Buchanan and A.B. Stoddard simply couldn't contain their laughter before or after watching a video taped interview with Tom Delay where he claims that Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are "very very close to treason." When the interviewer suggests that treason is a pretty serious charge Tom assures him that he's right because he "looked it up while we were driving over here, what the definition of treason is." Pure comedy gold...

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Buchanan: "Call Gonzales!"

Stoddard: "It's amazing. It used to be oh, how the mighty have fallen, and now it's oh, how the might have fallen and gone out on book tour."

Tucker, to his credit did mention The Bug Man was an intimidator....

Is it just me or does Tom look a little tipsy in that video?

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