Senator Feingold Corrects John Roberts' Misinformation

On April 15th CNN's John Roberts falsely implied on "Late Edition" that the proposed Feingold-Reid bill would “cut off the funds

On April 15th CNN's John Roberts falsely implied on "Late Edition" that the proposed Feingold-Reid bill would “cut off the funds in the middle of a war” for “troops in the field.” In response, Senator Feingold sent Roberts a letter (.pdf) correcting the record and appeared on "American Morning" yesterday to confront him about his misleading characterization.

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"But I want to repeat, this involves not taking away one thing from the troops in the field, and that's the reason I wanted to come on this show, to make that absolutely clear."

It's really a shame that Feingold decided against a Presidential run. He's ahead of the curve on every single issue and truly "gets it." When President Bush was caught violating FISA, it was Feingold who took a stand for the Constitution and proposed taking the modest step of censuring the President (and was shunned by nearly everyone in Congress -- including Democrats). It also would have been nice to see him at last night's debate. There's no doubt in my mind he would have blown everyone out of the water.

Glenn wrote a fantastic post last November explaining why the Beltway class can't comprehend the Russ Feingolds of the world.

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