Mike's Blog Roundup

Informed Comment: The annual State Dept. report on terrorism wil cite a nearly 30% rise in terrorism over the previous year Operation Eagle Eye: All t

Informed Comment: The annual State Dept. report on terrorism wil cite a nearly 30% rise in terrorism over the previous year

Operation Eagle Eye: All those references to "voter fraud" which have been popping up in the dialogue around the fired U.S. Attorneys scandal isn't something new. It's a very old conservative obsession--one that goes back to the beginnings of the right-wing takeover of the Republican Party itself.  Rick also wrote this excellent piece on another 'conservative' obsession...

Feministe: The terrorism that dare not speak its name (Happy 3rd Blogiversary to Feministe!)

Blue Gal: Thank you to the fourteen people who were arrested in the Hart Senate Office Building this week for doing this

Ted Rall: Sometimes the truth aint funny...

HOLY CRAP: Pray dammit!...Christianists use cult-like "love bomb" tactics...Racist nutjob speaks publicly on behalf of one of the top three or four religious right groups in America...Catholic Bishop says Sheryl Crow "promotes moral evils"...Why do some self-proclaimed Christians oppose "hate crimes" legislation?...Pat Robertson's Christian Nationalist extravaganza...Should religion be playing such a huge role in American government?...Biblical Prophecy in the News...Glenn Beck, when he's not "thinking about killing Michael Moore", just loves him some "End of Days" prophecy. Here, it's the Apocalypse Coming Aug 22nd, 2006; here, it's an hour-long discussion with authors of the "Left Behind" novels, Tim LeHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins; here, Brother Beck and his guests--including Pat Robertson--ponder questions about the End Times...I prefer The Naz

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