O'Reilly Attacks MediaMatters For Accurately Quoting Him

In a "Factor Fiction" segment Wednesday night, Keith highlighted how Bill O'Reilly attacks MediaMatters for committing the mortal sin o

In a "Factor Fiction" segment Wednesday night, Keith highlighted how Bill O'Reilly attacks MediaMatters for committing the mortal sin of quoting him accurately. It's hysterical how he seeks to discredit everything MM does when all they do is accurately document what he says. It doesn't matter if he actually said the quote in question; what matters is if it was documented by MM. If it was, then it's immediately invalid -- even though they always include the entire context and video/audio.

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"In an age in which we rightly fear being inaccurately quoted or misinterpreted, it would seem that Bill-O's real anger and real fear rests in the dread that someone is quoting him correctly."

MediaMatters has more, including the entire context of everything you see in this clip. Then again, since it's on their site it's all "vile far left propaganda" dictated by the evil and conspiratorial George Soros, who rules the world.

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