We, The People

John Edwards has come up with an ad on George Bush's veto of the Iraq supplemental. Now is the time to contact your elected officials and ma

John Edwards has come up with an ad on George Bush's veto of the Iraq supplemental.

Now is the time to contact your elected officials and make sure that they don't back down. ESPECIALLY if your representatives are Republicans looking at re-election in 2008, contact them and tell them you want the timelines to remain in the bill.
John Edwards is asking for donations to buy airtime for this ad in DC right now. Please help if you can.
And please, call your representatives in the House and the Senate. Tell them that concessions are unacceptable. The American people want the troops out of Iraq. Ask that they support submitting the same bill again and again until George Bush accepts that he will not get a blank check to wage an unwinnable occupation in the midst of a civil war.
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