Mike's Blog Roundup
Booman Tribune; Congressional leaders on Thursday demanded that the Veterans Affairs secretary explain hefty bonuses for senior department officials i
Booman Tribune; Congressional leaders on Thursday demanded that the Veterans Affairs secretary explain hefty bonuses for senior department officials involved in crafting a budget that came up $1 billion short and jeopardized veterans' health care.
Facing South: A special U.S. House task force voted yesterday to open a federal investigation into last November's disputed District 13 congressional election in Sarasota County, Fla., where more than 18,000 ballots cast by touch-screen machines recorded no vote for either candidate.
PERRspectives Blog: GOP quotes of the week, Iraq veto edition
denialism blog: Discussing the problem of denialists, their standard arguing techniques, how to identify denialists and/or cranks, and discussing topics of general interest such as skepticism, medicine, law and science. Mark Hoofnagle be taking on denialists in the sciences, while brother, Chris, will be geared more towards the legal and policy implications of industry groups using denialist arguments to prevent sound policies.
William K. Wolfrum: Tips on how to 'civilize' your blog posts
The Orstrahyun: Australia faces the world's most extreme 'climate challenge'. How long before the mass evacuation of cities begins?