Mike's Blog Round Up

Prairie Weather: More revelations in Attorneygate...drip, drip, drip the talking dog: An internal survey conducted by the Army indicates that BUSHCO&

Prairie Weather: More revelations in Attorneygate...drip, drip, drip

the talking dog: An internal survey conducted by the Army indicates that BUSHCO's cavalier attitude toward treating local populaces with dignity and respect and with humanely treating those captured has filtered down to the troops

Washington Babylon: Reporter, Laura Rozen (War and Piece) is better informed and sourced than just about anyone writing on Iran, and consistently breaks news and offers smart analysis. I recently asked her six questions about the Bush Administration's Iran policy.

Think Moderate: Debunking the assertion that recently-passed Hate Crimes legislation somehow criminalizes certain thoughts and/or speech.

Consortiumblog: It’s finally accepted wisdom in Washington that the intelligence that G-Dub used to to justify invading Iraq was garbage. But the pattern of twisting the truth about Iraq continues unabated and the President is rarely called on it.

HOLY CRAP: America's holiest congressmen (h/t The Omnipotent Poobah)...Evolution a reality...Texas legislature wants religion in the public schools...Coral Ridge Church shuts down its political arm...More that $3 million has flowed from Moonie interests to Bush family interests since G.W. Bush took office...Man planning to rise from the dead for a press conference...A great series on The Catholic Right...These Catholics don't want President Bush to speak at their college because his behavior is "at odds with our values. Values that—rather than being unique to Catholicism—are universal."...Perhaps, before calling Darwin--a man who was an outspoken opponent of slavery--a racist, it would be better for The Discovery Institute to purge its own ranks...Rebranding Intelligent Design...Wal Mart hates nuns...Federally funded abstinence program requires a relationship with Jesus...It appears that PBS stations are burying "A Brief History of Disbelief"

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