Mike's Blog Roundup

The Opinion Mill: So — the pizza plotters had no real plan, no real weapons (though they did shoot some paintball guns) and no real leader excep

The Opinion Mill: So — the pizza plotters had no real plan, no real weapons (though they did shoot some paintball guns) and no real leader except the guy sent to bust them.

Harper's: Six questions for Tara McKelvey on detainee abuse. McKelvey is the author of Monstering: Inside America’s Policy of Secret Interrogations and Torture in the Terror War

INSTAPUTZ: The ole' perfesser thinks holding G-Dub accountable will "hurt the country." Others think he should be impeached.

Horses Ass: Faith-based dining administration. Don't eat pork...or chicken, and don't eat fish.  How could any sane person have faith in the honesty or competence of a regulatory agency run by the worst administration in history? BTW, toxic sludge is good for you!

David E’s Fablog: Bad news for radio's most beloved drug addict

Nieman Watchdog: The press gives a free pass to citizens groups allied with telecoms...like that outfit who turns over your phone records to the federal government

Daily Darfur: New URL for an important site that was hacked by gutless trolls. 

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