Mike's Blog Roundup
A few goodies for Mother's Day. Here, here, here, and here, Blah3: Read this. Then read it again. The Newshoggers: Pakistan on the brink of disast
A few goodies for Mother's Day. Here, here, here, and here,
Blah3: Read this. Then read it again.
The Newshoggers: Pakistan on the brink of disaster
The Raw Story: The Democratic National Committee filed two cease-and-desist letters Thursday with a conservative website and XM Radio regarding comments they alleged were made by DNC Chairman Howard Dean.
Cannonfire: An aide to Congressman Patrick McHenry (R-NC) has been indicted for voter fraud...and there's more
ANNALS OF JOURNALISM: The Bush administration's Justice Department has a vested interest in portraying every "plot" it busts as the next 9/11...Jim Lehrer rewrites the history of Iraq...Honest observers see American Journalism in Crisis...The WaPo's hacktacular Howie Kurtz reprinted wingnut attacks on Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius, but omitted contrary evidence...Wolf Blitzer looks the other way while a GOP operative lies about CNN's own poll...WaPo publishes ridiculous opinion piece by pathological liar, Richard Perle...The assassination of journalists is protected by States Secrets...Jonathan Alter denies that Dean Broder is an ivory tower thumb-sucker, Jebediah Reed disagrees