Andrew J. Bacevich, Jr. - R.I.P.

Given the news of the day, I wanted to focus on what I think is a far more pressing issue than the death of the head of the Moral Majority,. TPM Cafe

Given the news of the day, I wanted to focus on what I think is a far more pressing issue than the death of the head of the Moral Majority,.

TPM Cafe:

What is Andrew Bacevich's Son's Life Worth?
Or any of our sons? or daughters? on any side of this incredibly reckless escapade in Iraq?
Boston University Professor Andrew J. Bacevich is a brave, thoughtful public intellectual who has tried -- in reserved, serious terms -- to challenge the legitimacy of the Iraq War. He has been one of the most articulate leading thinkers among military-policy dissident conservatives who have exposed the inanity of this war and the damage it has done. He authored the critically-acclaimed book, The New American Militarism: How Americans are Seduced by War.

Now his son by the same name who was serving in Iraq as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom is dead -- announced today by the Department of Defense[..]

To get some insight into the pain Professor Bacevich, who teaches at Boston University, must now feel, read this clip from a moving and important article he wrote titled "What's an Iraqi Life Worth?" [Washington Post, 9 July 2006]

Let us remember that there are many people out there working to effect a positive change in this country and honor Prof. Bacevich's commitment as well as the horrible loss of his son.

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