Mike's Blog Roundup
TomDispatch: Imperial overreach imperils the American republic and what's left of our democratic system as well as the American economy. Chalmers
TomDispatch: Imperial overreach imperils the American republic and what's left of our democratic system as well as the American economy. Chalmers Johnson considers whether we can end our empire before it ends us. (h/t The Left Coaster)
The Existentialist Cowboy: In 1934, our government had said that the "airwaves" didn't belong to the big corporations or the government but to the people themselves. We want it back.
The Carpetbagger Report: Can anyone explain what's 'moral' about this behavior? The Nazarine didn't talk about homosexuality. He did, however, talk a lot about religious hypocrisy...Sadly, No! has more...
MAL Contends: An official Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) document contradicts the U.S. Attorney's narrative of alleged events that led to the conviction of a Wisconsin Vietnam-era veteran on federal wire fraud charges in 2006.
Pensito Review: The confederate flag still flys in the South...and the North
Connecting.the.Dots: Hillary and All That Jazz
OFF THE BEATEN PATH: Total Information Awareness, The Irate Nation, The Hawke and Dove, Rethink, The FAA Follies