Hitchens Brutally Eulogizes Falwell On Hannity & Colmes

Oh my. Tell us how you really feel, Chris. Whenever you get Hannity to call you a "jackass" on air, you know you must be doing somethi

Oh my. Tell us how you really feel, Chris. Whenever you get Hannity to call you a "jackass" on air, you know you must be doing something right.

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Hitch's assault on Ralph "Tinkerbell" Reed for his ties to Abramoff alone make this an instant classic.

It's astounding to hear Sean Hannity -- the King of demonizing people for single instances of perceived transgressions (for which they apologize profusely -- see: Sen. Byrd, Dick Durbin, John Kerry etc.) -- dismiss away Falwell's long record of hateful comments. Apparently it's not OK to blame American foreign policy for terrorism, but it's OK to blame the ACLU and gays.

If you think you can stomach it, check out how Coultergeist remembers Falwell. Are there no depths to which this wretched and poor excuse for a human being is willing to sink? I think that question was answered long ago.

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