Jon Stewart Catches Gonzales Lying About McNulty

Deputy AG Paul McNulty played a negligible role in the USA purge. Well, until he announced his resignation; then he was blamed for the entire thing.

Deputy AG Paul McNulty played a negligible role in the USA purge. Well, until he announced his resignation; then he was blamed for the entire thing. Memo to Gonzo: We don't throw away the old tapes of what you say. Jon juxtaposes the two contradictory statements and breaks down the significance of the blockbuster Comey testimony.

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Gonzales on April 19: “Looking back, things that I would have done differently...? I think I would have had the Deputy Attorney General more involved, directly involved.”

Gonzales on May 15: “The Deputy Attorney General would know best about the qualifications and experiences of the minds; it’s a community and he signed off on the names.”

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