Impeach Gonzales

Robert Greenwald's Brave New Films is at it again. In conjunction with Howard Dean's Democracy for America, they have launched ImpeachGon

Robert Greenwald's Brave New Films is at it again. In conjunction with Howard Dean's Democracy for America, they have launched ImpeachGonzales.org, a new video and campaign calling on the House Judiciary Committee to start the impeachment process.

A strong movement for impeachment can only help get Gonzales out of office. The no confidence votes this week are a step in the right direction but if he doesn't resign before or after the votes (and he seems to be holding on), impeachment will be the only option. You can sign a petition to the House Judiciary Committee here.

UPDATE: Two Democratic Members of Congress have formally introduced a 'no confidence' resolution in the House of Representatives against Attorney General Alberto Gonzales
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