Clueless Coulter Again Proves She Lives In Parallel Universe
People like Ann Coulter are best left ignored, but her appearance on "Hannity and Colmes" Thursday night offered some telling insight into
Coulter: [T]he conservative base of the Republican Party is much more reflective of the rest of the country on things like illegal immigration, abortion ... and CERTAINLY on the war.”
According to Ann, "the country" really does support Bush's handling of the war, and they really do oppose a pathway to citizenship and a timetable for withdrawal. Here are the numbers:
"Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling the situation with Iraq? "
Approve Disapprove Unsure
ALL adults 23% 72% 5%
"Creating a program that would allow illegal immigrants already living in the United States for a number of years to stay in this country and apply for U.S. citizenship if they had a job and paid back taxes"
Favor Oppose Unsure
5/4-6/07 80% 19% 1%
"Do you think the United States should or should not set a timetable for the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq sometime in 2008?"
Should Should Not Unsure
5/18-23/07 63% 34% 3%
Contrary to what's going on in delusional Coulter World, the exact opposite is true in reality. It's hard to tell whether she actually believes what she says, or if she's just trying to convice herself of it by repetition. Either way, her views are patently and demonstrably false. It's no surprise that FOX has her on to "analyze" the American political scene (i.e. misinform and reinforce their viewers misguided beliefs).