Mike's Blog Roundup

Informed Comment: It now appears that the insurgency in Iraq has succeeded in interfering with food delivery to U.S. personnel AlterNet: Cast your vot

Informed Comment: It now appears that the insurgency in Iraq has succeeded in interfering with food delivery to U.S. personnel

AlterNet: Cast your vote for the worst offenders on the Corporate Hall of Shame

Les Enragés: Must see videos from Greg Palast on the prosecutor's purge

ArmsControlWonk: Tech, politics, and perspective on Iran

The Satirical Political Report: A Tale of Two Monicas'--Top Ten comparison

ANNALS OF SCIENCE: Some big flaws in this man's thinking on global warming...We can educate ourselves, or, like this deluded fantacist, believe "aliens cause Global Warming"...Maybe a change in terminology is in order...Wingnuts declare war on Rachel Carson...Here's your Guide to Global Warming Denialists...A quote from Darwin... The World Health Organization's 2007 compendium of statistics have some interesting highlights...

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