The Right’s Selective Outrage
To their credit, Sens. Clinton and Obama had the courage to vote the right way on the war-funding spending package. The right, predictably, is apoplec
To their credit, Sens. Clinton and Obama had the courage to vote the right way on the war-funding spending package. The right, predictably, is apoplectic.
* Don Surber: “Clinton and Obama were among the 14 no votes. Clinton voted to send the troops in. Now she votes not to fund them. Presidential. NOT!”
* Jules Crittenden: “That’s what you want in your commander-in-chief. A vote against troops in the field fighting al-Qaeda and anti-American Iranian stooges.”
* Blogs of War: “Now we’ll have to listen to [Clinton and Obama] make the rounds claiming to support the troops - while denying them the funds they need to fight.”
Um, guys? I hate to sound picky, but didn’t George W. Bush veto war funding less than a month ago? Why is it than the president can reject funds for the troops in a time of war, but Dems can't?