Mike's Blog Roundup

Halfway There: The executive direction of the DCCC wants me to believe that passage of continued funding for the lraq war is a great Democratic victor

Halfway There: The executive direction of the DCCC wants me to believe that passage of continued funding for the lraq war is a great Democratic victory and I should send a contribution to encourage the Democratic majority in Congress.

Facing South: What happened to Haley Barbour's "Mississippi Miracle"?

At the 2000 Democratic National Convention in Los Angeles, I heard Jesse Jackson warn America to "Stay Out The Bushes." America didn't listen and most people don't realize how far off the road and into the Bushes we have been dragged.

DaddyBlogger: Are states abducting senior citizens for profit?

The Heretik: Welcome to the world of unlimited power from the people supposedly in favor of limited government. George Orwell says hello.

HOLY CRAP: A scheduled three-day celebration of the US Air Force's 60th anniversary will sponsored in part by evangelical Christian organizations...Among religious groups, Jewish Americans most strongly oppose the Iraq war...Huckabee in trouble with the Southern Baptist Convention...Bolt of lightning strikes a 33-foot statue of Jesus...The true meaning of Mitt's Mormonism...Spotlight on Christian terrorism...Radical Right irony watch...Rules are rules...Unloving behavior routinely displayed provides a clue that Christians are a minority in the US...Another Christian Science Fair embarrasses itself...To be a good Republican, you must believe...Orrin Hatch's song for Reverend Moon. Where are the leaders of America's vaunted Christian community, who should condemning this charlatan?...In the Age of Bush, it's nearly impossible to tell the difference between satire and some people's actual beliefs but neither political leadership or our pathetic press corps have noticed ...The Interfaith Alliance's State of Belief radio show...Morality: 2012...

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