Drudge: Olbermann Is Phony, Camp

Think Progress has the latest example of the apparent lack of self-examination and rank hypocrisy of the right's favorite gossip maven. Drudge -

Think Progress has the latest example of the apparent lack of self-examination and rank hypocrisy of the right's favorite gossip maven.

Drudge - the operator of the right-wing pseudo news site Drudge Report - was talking about the Venezuelan government's shutdown of the country's oldest private TV station when he veered the discussion into a hit piece on Olbermann. "When we start hearing that the National Guard is seizing television stations, alright then I'm on board," Drudge said. "Then I'm on board, Olbermann. Until then, it's all pancake, makeup, and Edward R. Murrow ‘good night and good luck' and...complete and utter camp."

Riiiigggggghhhhhtttt. Never mind the complete incoherence and inability to complete a sentence, much less a thought. Here's a guy who never goes out without his Walter Winchell fedora and whose entire career revolves around repeating salacious bits and pieces of the Starr Report and Andrea Makris's testimony as well as "blind items" fed to him by some RNC slug in the name of "public interest". He definitely knows from camp and phoniness, don't ya think?

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