Mike's Blog Roundup

Talking Points Memo: You're gonna need a shower after you read this sordid tale of the Republican party's ongoing anti-American dirt baggery.

Talking Points Memo: You're gonna need a shower after you read this sordid tale of the Republican party's ongoing anti-American dirt baggery. It's been pretty clear for weeks that vote caging is at the heart of the whole US Attorney scandal. Serving as Turd Blossom's errand boy and then pretending to be a lawyer apparently qualifies Tim Griffin for a job with Fred "Law & Order" Thompson. These people are scum.

TalkLeft: Is Carl Bernstein a sexist? Maybe, but his book does directly contradict a key charge in Gerth and Van Natta's book

Brian Beutler: If Harold Meyrson keeps writing such smart columns for the WaPo, he might lose his job

Libs Earth Watch: There is an "unprecedented effort to strangle clean energy" underway. 

The Mahablog: A jerking knee is no substitute for a thinking brain

HOLY CRAP: You can get all the answers you need in Genesis...14,635 arrested in Iran's moralisation campaign...Billy Donohue whining about Maher...Bush's base and Biblical Literalism...Atheist's voting guide to Fall 2007 KY Elections...Theocrat of the Week...Hitchens vs. Hedges debate the meaning of religion in our lives and politics today...Brownback says religion belongs in government...Episcopal rift spreads to Colorado...Let's hope the president's religious devotion is as hollow as the rest of his administration...A Jewish teacher speaks out against teaching the Bible (which one?) in public schools...Fundies are rewriting American history...Christian Coalition Civil War

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