Rachel Maddow On TB Scare: Weapons Of Mass Infection

On Wednesday night's "Countdown," Air America Radio talk show host Rachel Maddow discuss the recent TB scare. Maddow points out that th

On Wednesday night's "Countdown," Air America Radio talk show host Rachel Maddow discuss the recent TB scare. Maddow points out that the CDC literally had no plan in place for this kind of dangerous situation and the abysmal way they dealt with it. Hmm, a Bush appointee with no plan to deal with a potential crisis...I think I'm starting to see a pattern here.

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Stewart: "So, in your opinion, what could or should the government have done differently without running afoul of civil right's concerns?"

Maddow: "The first thing the goverment should have done is have a plan. The single scariest thing about this entire response and everything we've learned in the last two days was the statement by the head of the CDC, Julie Gerberding, when she actually said, we just kind of had to make up the plan as we went along."

I did a little research on the head of the CDC, Julie Gerberding, and it turns out that she got the job in large part for her extensive work on the 2001 anthrax attacks. Because we know that investigation was a huge success...

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