Jon Soltz On Bush, The Troops & Cheap Sunglasses

On Thursday night's "Countdown" VoteVets.org's Jon Soltz had a few things to say about President Bush's 50 year plan, Fort Lewi

On Thursday night's "Countdown" VoteVets.org's Jon Soltz had a few things to say about President Bush's 50 year plan, Fort Lewis' decision to stop conducting individual memorial services for their fallen soldiers and of course, Holy Joe's excellent adventure in Baghdad.

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Soltz: "And now you have Joe Lieberman who spent his Viet Nam War years in law school and claims that he's some sort of arbiter of patriotism going to Iraq wearing his fake Oakley sunglasses. And, uh, it's hard for me to know that he actually gets to see the troops because those soldiers, they wanted to talk to Joe Lieberman and they want to tell them the truth. They want to tell him what they saw which was that they're driving around and they're getting shot and they want to know when they're going home."

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